About Me

Rashed Ahmad
Initially, I made this website to list the URLs of websites that do not mention their own URLs (hence, the choice of the ".link" domain). But soon, I faced a serious dilemma: Should I include this website's URL? If I do, then this website mentions its own URL, so it should not be part of this project. If I don't, then it fits the criteria since it is one of the websites that do not mention their own URL, and so I should include the URL of this website. I was daunted by this dilemma, so I decided to scratch that project, and instead, I should make it a personal website.
I am an assistant professor at Kuwait University. My research focuses on paradoxes such as the one in the previous paragraph. My main project defends a substructural solution that uniformly solves semantic paradoxes. The solution boils down to restricting the Cut rule (transitivity); the Cut rule cannot be applied if the Cut-formula is ungrounded–if the sentence being cut talks about another sentence that talks about another sentence, ad infinitum (and beyond). These ungrounded sentences are like viruses; they infect anything that they attach to, and so, if we have a conjunction with one ungrounded conjunct, then the whole conjunction is ungrounded; ungroundedness is infectious.
When I am not working, I enjoy making espressos, playing with my dog Mango, and watching FC Barcelona.